Mitsubishi Galant1990 — 2001 of releaseRepair and car operation |
Mitsubishi Galant + Identification numbers of the car + Governing bodies + Settings and routine maintenance + Engine + cooling and heating Systems + Power supply system and release + engine Electric equipment + Control systems of the engine + Manual transmission + Coupling and transmission line + Brake system - Suspension bracket and steering Specifications Removal and installation of racks and screw springs of a forward suspension bracket Regenerative repair of rack-mount assemblies of a forward suspension bracket Check of a condition of the top spherical support of a forward suspension bracket (Galant model of 1994-1998 вып.) Removal and installation of the top levers of a forward suspension bracket (Galant model of 1994-1998 вып.) Check of a condition of the bottom spherical support of a forward suspension bracket Removal and installation of the bottom levers of a forward suspension bracket Removal and installation of the forward stabilizer of cross-section stability Removal and installation of rotary fists and assemblies of naves with wheel bearings (a forward suspension bracket) Removal and installation of back racks Regenerative repair of rack-mount assemblies of a back suspension bracket Removal and installation of the top managing directors of levers of a back suspension bracket Removal and installation of the bottom managing directors of levers of a back suspension bracket Removal and installation of longitudinal levers of a back suspension bracket Removal and installation of the back stabilizer of cross-section stability Adjustment of wheel bearings Removal and installation of stupichny assemblies Removal and installation of a steering wheel Removal and installation of the podrulevy combined switch Removal and installation of the switch of management by functioning of screen wipers Removal and installation of the cylinder of the lock of ignition Removal and installation of the switch of ignition Removal and installation of drafts of a steering drive Replacement of protective covers of assembly of the steering mechanism Removal and installation of the steering mechanism with a manual drive Removal and installation of the hydrostrengthened steering mechanism Removal and installation of the steering pump Air removal from a hydraulic path of system of strengthening of a wheel Removal and installation of wheel hairpins Wheels and tires - the general information Corners of installation of wheels + Body + Onboard electric equipment Whipped Cream |
Removal and installation of the steering mechanism with a manual drive Details of installation of the steering mechanism with a manual drive (Mirage model)
Mirage models Removal