Mitsubishi Galant + Identification numbers of the car + Governing bodies + Settings and routine maintenance + Engine + cooling and heating Systems + Power supply system and release + engine Electric equipment + Control systems of the engine + Manual transmission + Coupling and transmission line + Brake system - Suspension bracket and steering Specifications Removal and installation of racks and screw springs of a forward suspension bracket Regenerative repair of rack-mount assemblies of a forward suspension bracket Check of a condition of the top spherical support of a forward suspension bracket (Galant model of 1994-1998 вып.) Removal and installation of the top levers of a forward suspension bracket (Galant model of 1994-1998 вып.) Check of a condition of the bottom spherical support of a forward suspension bracket Removal and installation of the bottom levers of a forward suspension bracket Removal and installation of the forward stabilizer of cross-section stability Removal and installation of rotary fists and assemblies of naves with wheel bearings (a forward suspension bracket) Removal and installation of back racks Regenerative repair of rack-mount assemblies of a back suspension bracket Removal and installation of the top managing directors of levers of a back suspension bracket Removal and installation of the bottom managing directors of levers of a back suspension bracket Removal and installation of longitudinal levers of a back suspension bracket Removal and installation of the back stabilizer of cross-section stability Adjustment of wheel bearings Removal and installation of stupichny assemblies Removal and installation of a steering wheel Removal and installation of the podrulevy combined switch Removal and installation of the switch of management by functioning of screen wipers Removal and installation of the cylinder of the lock of ignition Removal and installation of the switch of ignition Removal and installation of drafts of a steering drive Replacement of protective covers of assembly of the steering mechanism Removal and installation of the steering mechanism with a manual drive Removal and installation of the hydrostrengthened steering mechanism Removal and installation of the steering pump Air removal from a hydraulic path of system of strengthening of a wheel Removal and installation of wheel hairpins Wheels and tires - the general information Corners of installation of wheels + Body + Onboard electric equipment
Removal and installation of a steering wheel
The Mirage models for 1993 вып.
1. Bring forward wheels of the car into rectilinear situation. Disconnect from the battery a negative wire.
If the stereosystem established on the car is equipped with a security code before disconnecting the battery make sure that have the correct combination for audiosystem input in action! |
2. Remove from a stupichny part of a steering wheel an overlay of the button of activation of a horn, - delay bottom edge of a slip up, then disconnect electroconducting. 3. Give a nut of fastening of a steering wheel. 4. Mark the provision of a wheel of rather steering shaft. 5. By means of a special stripper remove a wheel from a steering column.
At all do not make attempts to bring down a wheel from a shaft by means of a hammer! |
1. Watching correctness of combination of the adjusting labels put in the course of dismantle, plant a wheel on a shaft of a steering column. 2. Screw a fixing nut and tighten it with demanded effort (40 H • м). 3. Connect electroconducting and establish on a stupichny part of a steering wheel an overlay of activation of a horn. 4. Connect a negative wire to the battery. |
The Galant models for 1993 вып.
1. Disconnect a negative wire from the battery.
If the stereosystem established on the car is equipped with a security code before disconnecting the battery make sure that have the correct combination for audiosystem input in action! |
2. Remove an overlay of activation of a horn: on models for 1991 вып. the slip should be wrung out up for the purpose of liberation it from clamps, to lift and disconnect electroconducting; on models 1992 of ÷ 1993 вып. previously to turn out located in the lower part of a slip the screw. 3. Give a fixing nut. 4. Mark the provision of a wheel of rather steering shaft. 5. By means of a special stripper remove a wheel from a steering column.
At all do not make attempts to bring down a wheel from a shaft by means of a hammer! |
1. Watching correctness of combination of the adjusting labels put in the course of dismantle, plant a wheel on a shaft of a steering column. 2. Screw a fixing nut and tighten it with demanded effort (35 ÷ 45 H • м). 3. Connect electroconducting and establish on a stupichny part of a steering wheel an overlay of activation of a horn. 4. Connect a negative wire to the battery. |
The Galant and Mirage models since 1994 вып.
Before starting performance of any works near the block of a safety cushion, a steering column or the dashboard, disconnect SRS in order to avoid receiving traumas at its casual operation (see. Head Onboard electric equipment). Electroconducting of a chain of SRS is easy for distinguishing on yellow color of isolation. In order to avoid SRS system damage, track, that the steering shaft was not turned after removal of a steering wheel. Block a column the ignition key at the rectilinear provision of forward wheels. |
1. Bring forward wheels of the car into rectilinear situation. 2. Make SRS deactivation (see. Head Onboard electric equipment).
If the stereosystem established on the car is equipped with a security code before disconnecting the battery make sure that have the correct combination for audiosystem input in action! |
3. Having hooked, remove lateral plastic covers and give located under assembly of a steering wheel screws of fastening of the module of a safety cushion.
4. For a detachment of the socket of a spring contact drum of a safety cushion release a clamp, having wrung out it towards the module. Holding a clamp wrung out, accurately hook the socket the suitable tool and disconnect it from the module.
5. Remove the module of a safety cushion and lay it a cover up transfer it on a pure dry surface.
6. Mark the provision of a steering wheel concerning a column shaft. 7. Give a fixing nut and remove a wheel, having used a suitable stripper, - at all do not make attempts to bring down a wheel from a shaft by means of a hammer!
In order to avoid violation of centering of the contact cable SRS reel do not allow a provorachivaniye of a steering shaft at the removed steering wheel. At the compelled violation of this requirement the drum should be centered before wheel installation into place. |
1. Make sure that forward wheels of the car remain in rectilinear situation. In case of need make centering of a spring contact drum of a safety cushion, - achieve combination of a label of NEUTRAL with the response index on a casing. 2. Plant a steering wheel on a column shaft, - track correctness of combination of the labels put in the course of dismantle. Screw a fixing nut and tighten it with demanded effort (40 H • м). 3. Establish the safety cushion module. 4. Connect a negative wire to the battery, turn the ignition key in the situation ON, - on the dashboard the control lamp of SRS should join for seven seconds. |
Diamante models
Before starting performance of any works near the block of a safety cushion, a steering column or the dashboard, disconnect SRS in order to avoid receiving traumas at its casual operation (see. Head Onboard electric equipment). Electroconducting of a chain of SRS is easy for distinguishing on yellow color of isolation. In order to avoid SRS system damage, track, that the steering shaft was not turned after removal of a steering wheel. Block a column the ignition key at the rectilinear provision of forward wheels. |
1. Bring forward wheels of the car into rectilinear situation. 2. Make SRS deactivation (see. Head Onboard electric equipment).
If the stereosystem established on the car is equipped with a security code before disconnecting the battery make sure that have the correct combination for audiosystem input in action! |
3. Give located under assembly of a steering wheel of a nut of fastening of the module of a safety cushion. 4. For a detachment of the socket of a spring contact drum of a safety cushion release a clamp, having wrung out it towards the module. Holding a clamp wrung out, accurately hook the socket the suitable tool and disconnect it from the module. 5. Remove the module of a safety cushion and lay it a cover up transfer it on a pure dry surface. 6. Mark the provision of a steering wheel concerning a column shaft. 7. Give a fixing nut and remove a wheel, having used a suitable stripper, - at all do not make attempts to bring down a wheel from a shaft by means of a hammer!
In order to avoid violation of centering of the contact plentiful SRS reel do not allow a provorachivaniye of a steering shaft at the removed steering wheel. At the compelled violation of this requirement the drum should be centered before wheel installation into place. |
1. Make sure that forward wheels of the car remain in rectilinear situation. In case of need make centering of a spring contact drum of a safety cushion, - achieve combination of a label of NEUTRAL with the response index on a casing. 2. Plant a steering wheel on a column shaft, - track correctness of combination of the labels put in the course of dismantle. Screw a fixing nut and tighten it with demanded effort (40 H • м: for models 1992 of ÷ 1993 вып. and 45 H • м: for models since 1994 вып.). 3. Establish the module of a safety cushion and tighten nuts of its fastening with demanded effort (5 H • м). 4. Connect a negative wire to the battery, turn the ignition key in the situation ON, - on the dashboard the control lamp of SRS should join for seven seconds. |