Mitsubishi Galant + Identification numbers of the car + Governing bodies + Settings and routine maintenance - Engine - Removal/installation of the power unit, dismantle of components General information Removal and engine installation Removal and installation of a cover of a head of cylinders Removal and installation of assemblies of a drive of valves Removal and thermostat installation Removal and installation of the inlet pipeline Removal and installation of a final collector Removal and turbokompressor installation Removal and installation of a radiator of system of cooling (all models) Removal and installation of the fan of system of cooling of the engine Removal and installation of the water pump Removal and installation of a head of cylinders Removal and installation of the pallet of a case of the engine Removal and installation of the oil pump Removal and installation of a damper of krutilny fluctuations of a cranked shaft Removal and installation of a cover of a drive of GRM and gas-distributing belt Replacement of a forward epiploon of a cranked shaft Removal and installation of camshafts and pushers of a drive of valves, check of a condition of components Removal and installation of a balancing shaft Replacement of a back epiploon of a cranked shaft Removal and flywheel installation / driving disk + Regenerative repair of the engine + cooling and heating Systems + Power supply system and release + engine Electric equipment + Control systems of the engine + Manual transmission + Coupling and transmission line + Brake system + Suspension bracket and steering + Body + Onboard electric equipment
Removal and installation of camshafts and pushers of a drive of valves
Details of installation of components of a drive of valves on models of 1.5 l
Details of installation of components of a drive of valves on models of 1.8 l
Details of installation of components of a drive of valves on models of 2.0 l (SOHC)
Details of installation of components of a drive of valves on the models equipped with engines of 1.6 l and 2.0 l of DOHC
Details of installation of components of a drive of valves on the models equipped with engines of 2.4 l
Details of installation of components of a drive of valves on the models equipped with engines of 3.0 l of DOHC
Details of installation of components of a drive of valves on the models equipped with engines of 3.0 l of SOHC
Details of installation of components of a drive of valves on the models equipped with engines of 3.5 l
Engines of 1.5 l
1. Details of installation of components of the mechanism of a drive of valves on engines of 1.5 l are presented on an illustration. 2. Disconnect a negative wire from the battery.
If the stereosystem established on the car is equipped with a security code before disconnecting the battery make sure that have the correct combination for audiosystem input in action! |
3. Bring the engine into the provision VMT of the end of a step of compression of the piston of the first cylinder. 4. Disconnect a gas cable, a branch pipe сапуна and PCV hose. 5. Mark position of the case of the distributor of ignition concerning the block of the engine and remove the distributor. 6. Uncover heads of cylinders and its sealing laying. 7. In stages evenly weaken fixing bolts and take from a head of cylinders of an axis of yokes. 8. Remove covers of a drive of GRM. 9. Remove assembly of a gas-distributing belt.
Try not to allow provorachivaniye distributive and in bulk at the removed gas-distributing belt! |
10. Holding a camshaft cogwheel from a provorachivaniye, turn out a bolt of its fastening.
11. Remove a camshaft cogwheel, - pay attention that the shaft should be developed by an opening under directing pin up. |
12. Take from a forward wall of a head of cylinders a camshaft epiploon. 13. Take a camshaft. 14. Attentively examine all removed components on existence of signs of excessive wear and damages. |
1. Grease a camshaft with dense lubricating oil and lower it on the seat in a head of cylinders, - track, that the shaft appeared will develop an opening under directing pin at 12 o'clock. 2. Measure size axial люфта a camshaft on a persistent casing. If the result of measurement falls outside the limits an admissible range (0.05 ÷ 0.20 mm), replace the persistent bearing of a camshaft. 3. Establish a new epiploon, - before installation of a sponge of an epiploon it is necessary to grease with pure impellent oil. 4. Plant on a camshaft pin a cogwheel. Screw a fixing boat and, holding a shaft from a provorachivaniye, tighten it with demanded effort (70 H • м). 5. Establish a gas-distributing belt. 6. Establish covers of a drive of GRM. 7. Establish assemblies of yokes with the axes. In stages evenly tighten fixing bolts with demanded effort (32 H • м). 8. Check adjustment of klapanny gaps, pick up sealing laying and establish a cover of a head of cylinders. Screw fixing bolts and tighten from with demanded effort (1.8 H • м). 9. Having tracked combination of the landing labels put in the course of dismantle, establish on the engine the ignition distributor. 10. Restore initial connection of a cable of gas, a branch pipe сапуна and PCV hose. 11. Connect a negative wire to the battery and check correctness of installation of a corner of an advancing of ignition. In case of need make the corresponding adjustment. |
Engines of 1.8 l
1. Details of installation of components of the mechanism of a drive of valves on engines of 1.8 l are presented on an accompanying illustration. 2. Disconnect a negative wire from the battery.
If the stereosystem established on the car is equipped with a security code before disconnecting the battery make sure that have the correct combination for audiosystem input in action! |
3. Bring the engine into the provision VMT of the end of a step of compression of the piston of the first cylinder. 4. Mark and disconnect candle wires. 5. Mark position of the case of the distributor of ignition concerning the engine block. Remove the distributor. 6. Disconnect electroconducting from the sensor of measurement of an air stream and uncover an air purifier. 7. Disconnect a gas cable, a branch pipe сапуна and PCV hose. 8. Uncover heads of cylinders and its sealing laying. 9. In stages evenly weaken fixing bolts and take from a head of cylinders of an axis of yokes. 10. Remove covers of a drive of GRM. 11. Remove assembly of a gas-distributing belt.
Try not to allow provorachivaniye distributive and in bulk at the removed gas-distributing belt! |
12. Holding a camshaft cogwheel from a provorachivaniye, turn out a bolt of its fastening. 13. Remove a camshaft cogwheel, - pay attention that the shaft should be developed by an opening under directing pin up. 14. Take from a forward wall of a head of cylinders a camshaft epiploon. 15. Take a camshaft. 16. Attentively examine all removed components on existence of signs of excessive wear and damages. |
1. Grease a camshaft with pure impellent oil and lower it on the seat in a head of cylinders, - track, that the shaft appeared will develop an opening under directing pin at 12 o'clock. 2. Measure size axial люфта a camshaft on a persistent casing. If the result of measurement falls outside the limits an admissible range (0.05 ÷ 0.20 mm), replace the persistent bearing of a camshaft. 3. Establish a new epiploon, - before installation of a sponge of an epiploon it is necessary to grease with pure impellent oil. 4. Plant on a camshaft pin a cogwheel. Screw a fixing boat and, holding a shaft from a provorachivaniye, tighten it with demanded effort (90 H • м). 5. Establish a gas-distributing belt. 6. Establish covers of a drive of GRM. 7. Establish assemblies of yokes with the axes. In stages evenly tighten fixing bolts with demanded effort (32 H • м). 8. Check adjustment of klapanny gaps, pick up sealing laying and establish a cover of a head of cylinders. Screw fixing bolts and tighten from with demanded effort (3.3 H • м). 9. Having tracked combination of the landing labels put in the course of dismantle, establish on the engine the ignition distributor. 10. According to the marking put in the course of dismantle connect candle wires. 11. Restore initial connection of a cable of gas, a branch pipe сапуна and PCV hose. 12. Connect electroconducting to the sensor of measurement of an air stream and establish into place an air purifier cover. 13. Connect a negative wire to the battery. 14. Start the engine and warm up it to normal working temperature. 15. Check correctness of installation of turns of idling and a corner of an advancing of ignition. In case of need make the corresponding adjustments. |
Engines of 2.0 l of SOHC
1. Details of installation of components of the mechanism of a drive of valves on engines of 2.0 l of SOHC are presented on an illustration. 2. Disconnect a negative wire from the battery.
If the stereosystem established on the car is equipped with a security code before disconnecting the battery make sure that have the correct combination for audiosystem input in action! |
3. Disconnect a branch pipe сапуна and PCV hoses. 4. Remove a basic arm and take a gas cable aside. 5. Establish on yokes clamps of proof-readers of klapanny gaps (MD998443 tools). 6. Uncover heads of cylinders and semicircular consolidations. 7. Mark position of the case of the distributor of ignition concerning a head of cylinders. Remove the distributor. 8. Remove covers of a drive of GRM of m a gas-distributing belt (see. Section Removal and installation of a cover of a drive of GRM and gas-distributing belt). 9. Remove a camshaft cogwheel. 10. Turn out fixing bolts and remove from the engine of an axis of yokes with yokes and covers of bearings. 11. Take from a head of cylinders a camshaft. Estimate a condition of bearing necks of a shaft. 12. Measure height of liftings of cams of a camshaft. Compare results of measurements to requirements of Specifications. 13. Estimate a condition and bearing surfaces in a head of cylinders. 14. Replace all excessively worn-out and damaged components. |
1. Grease a camshaft with pure impellent oil and lower it on the seat in a head of cylinders. 2. Establish covers of bearings everyone on the place. Track correctness of orientation of the labels put on roofs in the form of arrows. 3. Establish in a head assembly of yokes with axes. Moving from the center outside, in three steps evenly tighten bolts of fastening of covers of bearings with demanded effort (20 H • м). 4. By means of a suitable opravka plant in a head a camshaft epiploon, - before installation of a sponge of an epiploon grease with pure impellent oil. 5. Establish a camshaft cogwheel. Screw a fixing bolt and tighten it with demanded effort (90 H • м). 6. Establish a gas-distributing belt. 7. Having tracked correctness of combination of the landing labels put in the course of dismantle, establish into place the ignition distributor. 8. Remove instruments of fixing of proof-readers of valves. 9. Establish a cover of a head of cylinders and other components acting in film for the purpose of ensuring access. 10. Connect a negative wire to the battery. Start the engine and check it on existence of signs of development of leaks. 11. Check installation of a corner of an advancing of ignition. In case of need make the corresponding adjustment. |
Engines of 1.6 l and 2.0 l of DOHC
1. Details of installation of components of the mechanism of a drive of valves on models of 1.6 l and 2.0 l of DOHC are presented on an illustration. 2. Disconnect a negative wire from the battery.
If the stereosystem established on the car is equipped with a security code before disconnecting the battery make sure that have the correct combination for audiosystem input in action! |
3. Remove a basic arm and take aside a gas cable. 4. Remove a branch pipe сапуна and disconnect PCV hose. 5. Mark and disconnect candle wires. 6. Mark position of the case of the distributor of ignition concerning a head of cylinders. Remove the distributor. 7. Uncover heads of cylinders. 8. By means of adaptations of the MD9984433 type fix pushers of a drive of valves. 9. Remove covers of a drive of GRM and a gas-distributing belt (see. Section Removal and installation of a cover of a drive of GRM and gas-distributing belt). 10. A wrench holding a camshaft from a provorachivaniye, turn out a fixing bolt and remove a cogwheel of a drive of GRM. 11. Take from a head of cylinders a drive of valves assembled. 12. Take from a head camshafts. Estimate a condition of bearing necks of shaft. 13. Estimate a condition and bearing surfaces in a head of cylinders and covers of bearings of camshafts. |
1. Grease camshafts with pure impellent oil and lower them on the seats in a head of cylinders. The order of a tightening of fixture of covers of bearings of camshafts is shown on an illustration. |
2. Establish components of the mechanism of a drive of valves (yoke). Tighten fixing bolts with demanded effort (29 ÷ 35 H • м). 3. Previously having greased with pure impellent oil, establish epiploons of camshafts, - in quality to editing for landing of epiploons use a face head of the corresponding size, or a piece of a pipe of suitable diameter. 4. Establish a camshaft cogwheel. Screw a fixing bolt and tighten it with demanded effort (90 H • м). 5. Establish a gas-distributing belt and forward covers of a drive of GRM. 6. Having tracked correctness of combination of the landing labels put in the course of dismantle, into place the ignition distributor. 7. Remove the adaptations, fixing proof-readers of klapanny gaps. 8. Having replaced sealing laying, establish into place a cover of a head of cylinders. 9. Connect wire VV to spark plugs (everyone to the, - watch marking). 10. Connect a branch pipe сапуна and PCV hose. 11. Connect a negative wire to the battery. 12. Start the engine, warm up it to normal working temperature and check installations of turns of idling and a corner of an advancing of ignition. In case of need make the corresponding adjustments. |
Engines of 2.4 l
1. Details of installation of components of the mechanism of a drive of valves on models of 2.4 l are presented on an accompanying illustration. 2. Disconnect a negative wire from the battery.
If the stereosystem established on the car is equipped with a security code before disconnecting the battery make sure that have the correct combination for audiosystem input in action! |
3. Disconnect a gas cable, a branch pipe сапуна and PCV hoses. 4. Disconnect candle wires and uncover heads of cylinders. 5. Having turned a cranked shaft clockwise, achieve combination of adjusting labels of VMT (the cogwheel of a camshaft should be developed by a label on level of an interfaced surface of a head of cylinders and a directing pin at 12 o'clock (up). 6. Remove covers of a drive of GRM. 7. Remove a gas-distributing belt (see. Section Removal and installation of a cover of a drive of GRM and gas-distributing belt). 8. By means of a key which is put on on лыски, located between necks of No. No. 2 and 3 bearings, block a camshaft from a provorachivaniye and turn out a bolt of fastening of its cogwheel. Remove a cogwheel. 9. In two-three receptions weaken fixing bolts, mark and remove covers of bearings of camshafts.
If covers do not give in to removal, carefully knock with a hammer with soft brisk on a back end face of a camshaft. |
10. Take camshafts from a head of cylinders. 11. Remove yokes of a drive of valves and hydraulic proof-readers of klapanny gaps, - put all components of a drive of valves in the organized order as at assembly they should be established strictly on the former places. |
1. Establish in a head hydraulic proof-readers of klapanny gaps and a yoke of a drive of valves.
2. Grease camshafts with dense impellent oil and lower them on the seats in a head of cylinders.
The inlet shaft is easy for distinguishing from a final groove on existence in a face surface of a back pin, - the groove serves for implementation of a drive of the sensor of an angle of rotation. |
3. Estimate a condition of bearing necks and cams of shaft. Check passableness маслотоков in a head of cylinders. Visually estimate a condition of rollers of yokes, check freedom of their rotation. Defective or worn-out components replace.
Yokes and hydraulic proof-readers of valves it is necessary to change in a complete set. |
4. Track, that camshafts appeared are developed by the directing pins inserted into face surfaces of forward pins, up. 5. Establish covers of bearings. In two-three receptions evenly tighten fixing bolts of covers with demanded effort (20 N of m).
Covers of No. No. 2 and 5 bearings have an identical form. On a cover of the first bearing only warranty marking (by L - for an inlet shaft or R - for final) is provided. On other covers marking double, showing besides accessory to the shaft also cover number. Track correctness of landing of yokes on assemblies of hydroproof-readers and end faces of cores of valves. |
6. Previously having greased with pure impellent oil, establish epiploons of camshafts, - in quality to editing for landing of epiploons use a face head of the corresponding size, or a piece of a pipe of suitable diameter. 7. Establish cogwheels of camshafts. Screw fixing bolts and tighten them with demanded effort (80 ÷ 100 N of m).
In the course of a tightening of a bolt hold a shaft from a provorachivaniye by means of a wrench for лыски, provided between necks of the 2nd and 3rd bearings. |
8. Establish a gas-distributing belt and forward covers of a drive of GRM. 9. Having replaced sealing laying, establish a cover of a head of cylinders. 10. Establish into place other components acting in film for the purpose of ensuring access. 11. Connect a negative wire to the battery. |
Engines of 3.0 l of DOHC
1. Details of installation of components of the mechanism of a drive of valves on models of 3.0 l of DOHC are presented on an illustration. 2. Dump pressure in a power supply system (see. Head of the Power supply system and release). 3. Disconnect a negative wire from the battery.
If the stereosystem established on the car is equipped with a security code before disconnecting the battery make sure that have the correct combination for audiosystem input in action! |
4. Remove the delivery chamber of an air path. 5. Remove forward covers and a belt of a drive of GRM. 6. Remove the central cover, a branch pipe сапуна, hoses of PCV and candle wires. 7. Uncover heads of cylinders (do not forget to take semicircular consolidation). 8. Having marked adjusting situation, remove the CKP sensor from a back pin of a camshaft. 9. At the corresponding complete set of the car remove from a forward wall of the engine the sensor of provision of a camshaft (CMP). 10. Holding camshafts from a provorachivaniye a wrench for specially provided лыски, turn out fixing bolts and remove cogwheels. Try to remember the adjusting provision of a pin of the sensor of a detonation. 11. In two-three receptions weaken bolts of fastening of covers of bearings of camshafts. 12. Previously having marked, remove covers of bearings, - in case of need carefully knock on a back end face of a shaft for the purpose of release of covers. 13. Mark and take from a head of cylinders both of a camshaft. 14. Remove components of a drive of valves, - try to remember the exact adjusting provision of each detail. 15. Estimate a condition of bearing necks and cams of camshafts, and also working surfaces in beds of a head and covers of bearings. |
Before installation it is necessary to grease components of the klapanny mechanism with pure impellent oil. |
1. Remove air from hydroproof-readers and establish assemblies of the last everyone in the landing nest in a head of cylinders. 2. Establish in a head assembly of a drive of valves.
3. Grease camshafts with pure impellent oil and establish them in a head of cylinders.
On the Diamante models camshafts are easy for distinguishing from each other on the special warranty marking put on лыски six-sided section. The inlet shaft is usually marked by letters B or J, final - D or To, respectively. In order to avoid damage of valves at contact to the bottoms of pistons track correctness of installation of anti-detonation fingers. |
4. According to identification marking establish on the regular places of a cover of bearings of camshafts.
The letter to I cover in marking designates an inlet camshaft, Е - final, the figure corresponds to bearing number. In two-three receptions evenly tighten bolts of fastening of covers with demanded effort (11 H • m - for bolts of covers of No. No. 2, 3 and 4 and 20 H bearings • m - for bolts of forward and back covers). Track, that forward labels of covers of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th bearings appeared correctly combined with reciprocal labels on a head of cylinders. |
5. Grease with pure impellent oil and establish forward epiploons of camshafts. 6. A wrench holding shaft from a provorachivaniye for specially provided лыски, establish on their pins cogwheels of a drive of GRM, screw fixing bolts and tighten them with demanded effort (90 H • м). 7. If removed, establish into place the sensor of provision of a camshaft. Screw fixing bolts and tighten them with demanded effort (9 H • м). 8. Achieving the correct combination of landing labels, fix the CKP sensor on the back party of a camshaft. Tighten a nut of fastening of the sensor with effort of 12 H • m. 9. Achieve combination of adjusting labels of cogwheels of a drive of GRM and establish on the engine a gas-distributing belt. 10. Establish a cover of a head of cylinders and a semicircular sealing insert. 11. Establish assembly of the delivery chamber of the inlet pipeline. 12. Connect wire VV to spark plugs. Establish the central cover and restore initial connection of a branch pipe сапуна and PCV hose. 13. Connect a negative wire to the battery. Start the engine and check it on existence of signs of development of leaks. |
Engines of 3.0 l of SOHC
1. Details of installation of components of the mechanism of a drive of valves on models of 3.0 l of SOHC are presented on an illustration. 2. Disconnect a negative wire from the battery.
If the stereosystem established on the car is equipped with a security code before disconnecting the battery make sure that have the correct combination for audiosystem input in action! |
3. Bring the engine into the provision VMT of the end of a step of compression of the piston of the first cylinder. 4. At removal of the right (forward) camshaft mark situation a begunka and cases of the distributor and remove assembly of the last from the engine block. 5. Remove a basic arm of the delivery chamber of the inlet pipeline. 6. Remove a transitional nozzle of the distributor of ignition and its sealing ring. 7. By means of the special MB9g67 and MD998719 tools release a bolt of fastening of a cogwheel of a camshaft. 8. Turn out a fixing boat and remove a camshaft cogwheel, - try to remember position of an anti-detonation finger (directing pin). 9. By means of special MD998443 adaptations fix hydroproof-readers of klapanny gaps on yokes of a drive of valves. 10. Release bolts of fastening of covers of bearings of a camshaft. 11. Remove components of the mechanism of a drive of valves, - try to remember adjusting the provision of yokes, and their axes. Remove covers of bearings of a camshaft subject to dismantle. 12. Take a camshaft from a head of cylinders and estimate a condition of its cams and bearing necks. |
1. Grease a camshaft (ы) with dense impellent oil and lower it on the seat in a head of cylinders.
The camshaft of the right head of cylinders is easy for distinguishing on groove existence in a face surface of its back pin. |
2. At installation of a shaft track, that it appeared correctly is developed in a head, - be guided by position of an anti-detonation finger. |
3. Grease with hermetic landing surfaces of covers of bearings and establish about a head assembly of the mechanism of a drive of valves. Having tracked correctness of labels in the form of arrows, establish covers of bearings. Screw bolts of fastening of covers and, operating in strictly certain order (No. 1, No. 2, No. 1 and No. 4), tighten them with demanded effort (10 H • м). |
4. Operating in a former order, tighten bolts of fastening of covers of bearings with effort of 20 H • m. 5. Remove from the adaptation yokes, fixing hydraulic proof-readers of klapanny gaps. 6. Establish a camshaft cogwheel. 7. Holding a shaft from a provorachivaniye, by means of special adaptations tighten a bolt of fastening of a wheel with demanded effort (90 H • м). 8. Establish a gas-distributing belt and covers of a head of cylinders. 9. Having replaced a sealing ring, establish a transitional nozzle of the distributor of ignition. 10. Establish a basic arm of the delivery chamber of the inlet pipeline. 11. Having seen to correctness of combination of landing labels, establish on the engine assembly of the distributor of ignition. 12. Connect a negative wire to the battery. Start the engine and check it on existence of signs of development of leaks. |
Engines of 3.5 l
1. Details of installation of components of the mechanism of a drive of valves on models of 3.5 l are presented on an illustration. 2. Disconnect a negative wire from the battery.
If the stereosystem established on the car is equipped with a security code before disconnecting the battery make sure that have the correct combination for audiosystem input in action! |
3. Remove a gas-distributing belt (see. Section Removal and installation of a cover of a drive of GRM and gas-distributing belt). 4. Uncover (also) heads of cylinders. 5. By means of special clips fix hydraulic proof-readers on yokes of a drive of valves. Release, but do not turn out finally bolts of fastening of covers of bearings of camshafts. 6. Remove assembly of yokes with the axes. 7. Take a camshaft (ы). |
1. Grease a camshaft (ы) with dense impellent oil and lower it on the seat in a head of cylinders.
2. At installation of a shaft track, that it appeared correctly is developed in a head, - be guided by position of an anti-detonation finger. |
3. Establish assembly of the mechanism of a drive of valves (a yoke with the axes) and covers of bearings of a camshaft. Screw fixing bolts and tighten them with demanded effort (31 H • м). 4. Establish a cover (and) heads of cylinders, - do not forget to replace sealing laying. 5. Establish a gas-distributing belt and other components acting in film for the purpose of ensuring access. 6. Connect a negative wire to the battery. Start the engine and check it on existence of signs of development of leaks. |
Assessment of degree of wear of cams of a camshaft
The height of lifting of a cam of a camshaft defines size of opening of valves in view of what wear of cams makes direct impact on efficiency of functioning of the engine.
Measurement of height of lifting of a cam can be made in two ways (depending on existence near at hand the corresponding tools).
Determination of height of lifting of cams by means of a measuring instrument of tsiferblatny type
1. Determination of height of lifting of a cam by means of a tsiferblatny measuring instrument of plunzherny type can be made by in situ (without removal of a shaft from the engine). Measurement are made for each cam separately. 2. For the purpose of ensuring access to a camshaft uncover heads of cylinders. 3. Fix a measuring instrument so that its working plunzher appeared directly over a surface of a cam subject to check. 4. Turn the engine so that the cam of a camshaft was developed by a heel down and null a measuring instrument.
The engine can be turned distantly by means of a starter, or manually for a bolt of a pulley of a cranked shaft. Remember that the cranked shaft can be turned only in the normal direction! |
5. Slowly continue to turn a shaft until then while the pusher will not appear in most omitted situation (complete opening of the valve). 6. Consider the maximum instrument reading and compare its admissible values specified in Specifications. 7. If what wear from cams falls outside the limits an admissible range, the shaft is subject to replacement complete with pushers of valves. 8. Having finished check, clean a measuring instrument and establish into place a cover of a head of cylinders. |
Measurement by means of a micrometer
1. The assessment of degree of wear of cams of a camshaft by means of a micrometer can be made only after preliminary dismantle of a shaft.
2. Measurement is made in two steps. The full working height of a cam (Y), then its width (X) (base diameter of the clown) at first is defined. For determination of height of lifting of a cam it is necessary to subtract result of the second from result of the first measurement.
3. Compare results of calculations to requirements of Specifications. At wear any of cams below an admissible limit the shaft is subject to replacement assembled with pushers of valves. |