1. Establish the new sensor switch on an arm of a pedal of a foot brake, screw and slightly tighten a lock-nut.
2. Modify position of the sensor switch so that the distance between its case and a pedal made 0.5 ÷ 1.0 mm, - for shutdown of stoplights the plunzher of the sensor switch should rest against a pedal. When squeezing pedal the plunzher is released that leads to operation of stoplights. |
3. Holding the sensor switch in demanded situation, strongly tighten a lock-nut. 4. Connect to the sensor switch electroconducting. 5. Check serviceability of functioning of the sensor switch for what include ignition (the engine do not start) and ask the assistant to squeeze out several times a pedal of a foot brake, - stoplights should work unequivocally at each squeezing already at the beginning of a pedal course. 6. In case of need repeat regulriovka process.
Insignificant люфт a pedal should not lead to sensor switch operation in order to avoid unauthorized activation of stoplights at car movement on a rough paving. |