1. Installation is made upside-down. 2. At an otkleivaniye of a support of the basis from glass carefully smooth out the corresponding area of the last, with a shaving edge having removed from it all traces of old glutinous structure, wipe the smoothed-out surface solvent. 3. Operating in a similar manner, smooth out a contact surface of a support. 4. Prepare special gluing structure, - ask in shops of automobile accessories, - and put it on a basic surface of glass. 5. Having waited structure hardenings, grease with it a contact surface of a support and once again grease glass. 6. Press a support to glass and hold it pressed until the structure will not stiffen, - try not to allow a distortion. 7. Final hardening of gluing structure occurs after 24 hours, - it is not necessary to establish a mirror on a support earlier. |