Mitsubishi Galant

1990 — 2001 of release

Repair and car operation

Mitsubishi Galant
+ Identification numbers of the car
+ Governing bodies
+ Settings and routine maintenance
- Engine
   + Removal/installation of the power unit, dismantle of components
   - Regenerative repair of the engine
      General information
      Check of kompressionny pressure in engine cylinders
      Check of oil pressure
      Alternative versions of schemes of regenerative repair of the engine
      Good advice on carrying out regenerative repair of the engine
      Preparation for performance of major maintenance
      Order of dismantling of the engine by its preparation for major maintenance
      Regenerative repair of a head of cylinders
      Regenerative repair of the block of cylinders
      Trial start and engine running in after major maintenance
+ cooling and heating Systems
+ Power supply system and release
+ engine Electric equipment
+ Control systems of the engine
+ Manual transmission
+ Coupling and transmission line
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment

Regenerative repair of the block of cylinders

General information

During carrying out regenerative repair of the block of cylinders replacement of pistons with piston rings, radical and shatunny bearings of a cranked shaft, components of a drive of GRM and the oil pump is usually made. On OHV engines the camshaft and pushers of valves is subject to replacement also.

The pro-point cylinders/replacement of sleeves is in case of need made. Mirrors of cylinders should отхонингованы without fail.

The cranked shaft usually also is subject to a pro-point with the subsequent selection of repair loose leaves of bearings.

Removal of step wear in the top part of cylinders


1. In view of that during the running cycle pistons do not reach the top cut of the cylinder, at the end of their course on a mirror of cylinders the step which existence disturbs extraction of shatunno-piston assemblies is formed and can be at the bottom of damage of new pistons at installation them in the engine.
2. Some types of the vertical drills applied to removal of step wear of cylinders are issued, all of them are among rather inexpensive tools.
3. Turn a cranked shaft so that the piston of the corresponding cylinder fell to the bottom situation.
4. Cover the piston bottom with a protective layer of rags
5. Prepare a vertical drill and, adhering to instructions of manufacturers of the tool, process the top part of the cylinder, having removed from it step wear.

Try not to be overzealous and not to damage a mirror of cylinders in its working part!

6. Take a vertical drill, rags and the sawdust formed as a result of processing.
7. Operating in a similar manner, remove step wear from mirrors of all cylinders.

Dismantling and cleaning


1. Establish the engine on the assembly stand or a strong workbench. Alternatively lay the unit on a garage floor on pair of wooden blocks (a surface interfaced to transmission down). Position of the engine should provide a free access to fixture of covers of the bottom heads of rods and possibility of a provorachivaniye of a cranked shaft. All provided by a design of the unit of a cover should be removed from the engine.
2. Remove from the engine components of a drive of GRM and a head of cylinders. Remove the pallet of a case and maslozaborny knot. In case of need remove a drive of the oil pump, balancing and auxiliary shaft.
3. Remove traces of step wear in the top part of cylinders (see above).
4. Overturn the engine so that direct access to a cranked shaft opened. By means of a chertilka or a center punch mark rods according to accessory them the to cylinders. Similarly mark also covers of radical bearings.
5. Again overturn the engine, - this time the first cylinders up. Turn a cranked shaft so that the piston of the first cylinder appeared in the lower part of the course. Release fixture and uncover the bottom head of a rod of the first cylinder (track that the loose leaf of the shatunny bearing remained in a cover).

6. Pull on fixing hairpins pieces of a fuel hose, having provided with that protection of a neck of a shaft and a mirror of cylinders against damage to process of extraction of shatunny assembly.

7. The wooden handle of a hammer push a rod up approximately on 25 mm and take from a bed in its bottom head the top loose leaf of the bearing.

8. Continue to tap carefully assembly up until from the cylinder piston rings will not be liberated.

In case of resistance emergence immediately stop percussion of assembly and make sure of completeness of removal of traces of step wear in the top part of a mirror of the cylinder!

9. Manually finally take shatunno-piston assembly from the block. Enclose bearing loose leaves in a bed, establish into place a cover of the bottom head of a rod, slightly having tightened fixture.
10. Operating in a similar manner, take from the block the remained shatunno-piston assemblies.

At service of V-shaped engines assemblies from cylinders of the same kind at first are taken, then the engine turns over up the second row and the remained assemblies are taken.

12. At this stage the cranked shaft should appear the only thing remaining in the block a component. In stages evenly weaken fixture and remove covers of radical bearings (with the loose leaves enclosed in them).
13. Carefully take from the beds in the block a cranked shaft.
14. Make careful cleaning of all removed components. If are not going to start immediately engine assembly, lay the block in a pure plastic bag.

Check of a condition of components


1. During check of a condition of components of the block of the engine some special tools be required. Into number of such tools enter:

· Two or three micrometers for measurement of diameters of pistons and necks of a cranked shaft;
· Tsiferblatny measuring instrument of plunzherny type;
· The machine for an assessment of extent of deformation of rods.
2. In the absence of near at hand necessary tools it is necessary to charge performance of check of a condition of components to specialists of car-care center.
3. Attentively examine the block on existence in it of cracks and other mechanical damages. Ways of identification of the latent defects are described in the Section Regenerative repair of a head of the cylinders, devoted to check of a condition of a head of cylinders. It will be most correct to charge performance of check of a condition of molding of the block to specialists of car-care center.

Engine block

Check of centering of beds of radical bearings


1. Check beds of radical bearings in the block and covers on existence of traces of an overheat, задиров and agnails and other mechanical damages. In case of need give the block to a pro-point, or make its replacement. Easy defects can be removed by means of a file with small tooth.
2. Check centering of beds of bearings in the block by means of a planeness measuring instrument, having laid the last along an axis of laying of a cranked shaft, - in case of identification люфта or gaps the block also should be pierced. To the corresponding boring till the repair size should be subjected and covers of radical bearings. After a pro-point the engine should be completed with new loose leaves of the corresponding repair size.

Check of planeness of an interfaced surface of the block


1. Interfaced to a head of cylinders the surface of the block called also wild, should be smoothed carefully out with complete removal from it all traces of a material of old laying, coal and pitch deposits. Check is made by means of a measuring instrument of planeness and щупа lezviyny type. At first not planeness degree along block DP, then, - along its both diagonals is estimated.
2. If the size of not planeness exceeds 0.076 mm on length of 15.2 mm (or 0.152 mm for full length of an interfaced surface), the block of cylinders is subject to a pro-point.



1. Usually working gap of landing of pistons in cylinders makes 0.0381 ÷ 0.0635 mm.

2. Estimate an external condition of mirrors of cylinders and make their measurement. Measurements are made by means of a telescopic nutromer and a micrometer in three sections and two vzaimoperpendikulyarny planes. The analysis of results of measurements will allow to define volume of the forthcoming recovery operations. Ovality and a konusnost of cylinders should not fall outside the limits admissible ranges. The taken measurements will allow to define further size of gaps of landing of pistons in cylinders.

3. The top part of cylinders is usually worn-out slightly more strongly, than bottom that leads to formation of a konusnost. If the size of a konusnost exceeds 0.305 mm, the cylinder is subject pro-points.
4. Besides, usually walls of cylinders usually wear out on persistent surfaces of pistons, i.e. in the plane, a perpendicular axis of a cranked shaft more strongly. Such wear leads to formation of ovality of cylinders which also should not leave for admissible limits (see. Specifications).

Cranked shaft


1. Wash out a cranked shaft solvent, then carefully dry, having whenever possible used the compressed air. Do not forget to clean a rigid brush oil openings. Then wash out them solvent.

When using the compressed air put on goggles!

2. Check radical and shatunny necks of a cranked shaft on existence задиров, cavities, cracks and signs of non-uniform wear. Examine all surface of a shaft on existence of cracks and other damages. For identification of the hidden cracks it is necessary to resort to a magnitoporoshkovy defektoskopiya, - give a shaft to a car-care center workshop.
3. Carry out on necks edge of a copper coin, - if on a surface there are copper traces, therefore, its roughness exceeds admissible and it is necessary to give a shaft to a pro-point.
4. With a grinding stone, a file or a scraper remove agnails from edges of oil openings.
5. Check the remained surfaces of a shaft on existence of cracks and other mechanical damages. The razed cracks come to light in the course of carrying out special check in the conditions of car repair shop.
6. By a micrometer measure diameters of radical and shatunny necks of a shaft. Measurement of diameter of each neck make in several points on length and perimeter that will allow to estimate size of its konusnost and ovality, which should not fall outside the limits admissible ranges (see. Specifications). It is necessary to estimate also size of palpation of a cranked shaft, - be required V-shaped steam of blocks and DTI measuring instrument. In the absence of necessary stock address for the help to specialists of car-care center.
7. In case wear / конусность / ovality of necks exceeds admissible size, or mechanical damages of surfaces take place, it is necessary to give a cranked shaft to a pro-point. After a pro-point of a shaft it is necessary to pick up new loose leaves of radical and/or shatunny bearings of the corresponding repair size.
8. Check a condition of omental necks on both pins of a cranked shaft. Existence of the developed flutes, agnails or задиров will lead to an exit of new epiploons out of operation in the near future. In certain cases pins can be restored by a pro-point and napressovka way on them special thin-walled plugs. If such regenerative repair is not obviously possible, replace a shaft.
9. Check a condition of loose leaves of radical and shatunny bearings.

Shatunno-porshnevye assemblies


1. Previously shatunno-piston assemblies should be carefully cleared. Rings are necessary for removing from pistons.

 Piston rings are subject to replacement without fail.

2. By means of the special adaptation remove rings from pistons, - try not to damage walls of the last casually.
3. Scratch out from the bottoms of pistons traces of coal deposits. After removal of the main layer of deposits smooth out a surface manually a wire brush or a piece of a fine-grained emery paper.

 At all do not use for cleaning made of a soft material and pistons easily subject to an erosion wire nozzles to an electrodrill!

4. By means of the special adaptation clean flutes under installation of rings on pistons. It is alternatively possible to use for this purpose a fragment of an old piston ring, however be careful, - do not scratch a bottom and walls of a flute and do not cut fingers.
5. Having removed the main deposits, wash out shatunny assemblies by solvent and carefully dry them, whenever possible with application of the compressed air.

 When using the compressed air do not forget to put on goggles! Check passableness of maslovozvratny openings in back walls of flutes under installation of piston rings, and also oil openings in the bottom heads of rods.

6. If walls of pistons and a mirror of cylinders are not damaged and excessively are not worn-out, and the block of the engine was not pierced and not replaced, need for replacement of pistons also disappears. Normal wear of pistons is shown in the form of vertical traces of development on a persistent surface and a small weak point of landing of the top kompressionny ring in the flute. Do not forget that replacement of piston rings is made without fail, regardless of their condition.
7. Attentively examine each of pistons on existence of cracks in a skirt, round ledges under installation of piston fingers and around an arrangement of rings.
8. Check persistent surfaces of a skirt of the piston on existence of scratches, the bottom - on existence of through openings and прогаров on edge. Presence of scratches on a skirt can be regarded as a sign of long overheats of the engine, or too early ignition of an air and fuel mix, - check serviceability of functioning of system of cooling. Progara along the edges of the bottom are the detonation certificate. In any case, the reason of the revealed violation should be eliminated in order to avoid recurrence. As the possible reasons of formation of the listed defects leakages of soaked-up air, the wrong configuration of an air and fuel mix, violation of installation of a corner of an advancing of ignition, the wrong functioning of systems of ignition and EGR can act also.
9. Dot corrosion of pistons in the form of cavities speaks about hit in chambers of combustion and/or a case of the engine of cooling liquid. Besides, take care, that the reason of internal leaks was eliminated.

10. Estimate size of a lateral gap of landing of piston rings in the flutes for what enclose a new ring outside in the flute on the piston and shchupy lezviyny type measure a remaining gap. Repeat measurement in two-three points on flute perimeter. Watch to mixing kompressionny rings (the top differs from the second). If the size of a gap exceeds admissible value (see. Specifications), pistons are subject to replacement.

11. Define a landing gap of pistons in the cylinders, subtract from diameters of cylinders (see above) diameters of the corresponding pistons. Measurement of diameter of the piston is made on a persistent surface at an angle 90 ° to an axis of a piston finger and on the set removal from the bottom. If the landing gap of the piston in the cylinder exceeds admissible value (see.), the block it is necessary to give specifications to a pro-point with a selection of new pistons and piston rings of repair diameter.

12. Having tried повращать components in opposite directions, estimate density of landing of pistons on rods. Existence a little appreciable люфта speaks about excessive wear of a joint. For situation correction it is necessary to deliver shatunno-piston assemblies in a car-care center workshop where necessary regenerative repair and replacement of fingers will be made.
13. Performance of procedure of removal of pistons from rods (in case of such need) also should be entrusted to specialists of car-care center. In parallel, rods can be checked on existence of signs of a bend, twisting and other deformations with use of the special diagnostic equipment.

Needlessly it is not necessary to remove pistons from rods.

14. Check rods on existence of cracks and other mechanical damages. Temporarily remove covers of the bottom heads, take loose leaves of old bearings, wipe beds in covers and heads and check them on existence of agnails, задиров and roughnesses. Having finished check, enclose loose leaves into place, establish covers on the bottom heads of rods, and by hand tighten fixing bolts.

If the engine is under repair for the purpose of elimination of knock of fingers, replace shatunny assemblies.


Condition check


1. In spite of the fact that bearings of a cranked shaft in the course of major maintenance of the engine are subject to replacement without fail, old loose leaves should be kept for the purpose of attentive studying of their condition which results can give a lot of useful information about the general condition of the engine. On an illustration examples of typical defects of loose leaves of bearings are given.

2. The exit of bearings out of operation can occur owing to a lack of greasing, hit of particles of dirt, overloads of the engine and corrosion development. Regardless of nature of defects, the reason of damage of loose leaves should be eliminated in the course of performance of major maintenance of the engine in order to avoid recurrence.
3. For survey take loose leaves of bearings from the beds in the engine block / the bottom heads of rods and radical / шатунных covers and spread out them as installation on a pure working surface. Organization of placement of loose leaves will allow to adhere nature of the revealed defects to a condition of the corresponding necks of a shaft.
4. Dirt and extraneous particles get to the engine various ways. They can be left in the block in the course of unit assembly, or get via filters or system of ventilation of a case. All particles getting to impellent oil, finally, sooner or later, appear in bearings. Often the metal sawdust which is forming in the course of normal operation of internal components of the engine takes root into a soft material of loose leaves. The probability of presence at bearings of traces of an abrasive is great, in particular, when was not given due consideration to block cleaning after completion of regenerative repair of the engine. Regardless of a way which extraneous particles get to the engine, as a result they with high degree of probability appear introduced in a soft surface of loose leaves of bearings of a cranked shaft and easily come to light at visual survey of the last. Large particles usually are not late in loose leaves, but leave on their surface and a surface of necks of a shaft appreciable traces in the form of scratches, cavities and задиров. The best guarantee from such troubles is the responsible relation to cleaning of components after completion of major maintenance of the engine and care of observance of purity at assembly. Frequent regular change of impellent oil also allows to prolong service life of bearings essentially.
5. Oil starvation can be a consequence of several various, but often interconnected phenomena. So, the overheat of the engine conducts to a razzhizheniye of engine oil and its replacement from working gaps of bearings. The lack of greasing of bearings can speak in excessive size of working gaps, and also usual leaks (internal or external). Often meeting reason of replacement of oil from gaps of bearings is continuous excess of turns of the engine. Passableness violation маслотоков (usually connected with the wrong combination of openings at installation of components) also conducts to reduction of supply of greasing to bearings. Typical result of oil starvation is the full or local wipe / выщербливание a blanket of loose leaves from a metal substrate. Thus the working temperature can rise to such level that the substrate as a result of an overheat gets a bluish shade.
6. Essential influence on service life of bearings is rendered also peculiar to the owner of the car by a driving manner. Movement with small speed on an overgear leads to considerable overloads of the bearings, being accompanied replacement of an oil film from their working gaps. Such overloads lead to increase of plasticity of loose leaves and emergence of cracks in a blanket (fatigue deformation). Thus the superficial material starts to crumble and separate from a steel substrate. Car operation in a city cycle (on short distances) conducts frequent trips to development of corrosion of bearings because the insufficient warming up of the engine involves loss of condensate and allocation of chemically aggressive gases. These products accumulate in impellent oil, forming slags and acids. At hit of such oil in bearings aggressive substances promote development of corrosion of loose leaves.
7. The wrong installation of loose leaves in the course of engine assembly also can be at the bottom of their fast destruction. Too hard landing does not provide the demanded size of a working gap of bearings that leads to their oil starvation. Result of hit under loose leaves (in the course of their installation) extraneous particles is formation of eminences the blanket with which is quickly wiped.
8. Balancing and auxiliary shaft can be equipped with the ring bearings which performance of replacement it is necessary to charge to specialists of car-care center.

Honingovaniye of mirrors of cylinders


1. Before assembly of the engine the honingovaniye of mirrors of cylinders for the purpose of achievement of the correct landing to them the piston rings, providing due tightness of chambers of combustion is without fail carried out.

In the absence of near at hand necessary tools or unwillingness independently to carry out a honingovaniye, work for quite moderate payment can be charged to experts of a workshop of car-care center.

2. Before starting a honingovaniye, establish to the place of a cover of radical bearings / the connecting bridge (without loose leaves) and tighten fixing bolts with demanded effort.
3. Two types of khans for processing of mirrors of cylinders are issued: хон such as “bottle ершик” and, more traditional, superficial хон in the form of a nozzle with podpruzhinenny grinding stones. Both tools provide necessary quality of processing of mirrors of cylinders though use of the first is more preferable to the inexperienced mechanic. Enough of the rags, special honingovochny or simply liquid lubricating oil, and also an electrodrill as a drive for honingovochny nozzles is required also. Act in the following order:
a) Clamp хон in an electrodrill cartridge, reduce podpruzhinenny grinding stones/rods ершика nozzles and fill the last in the cylinder.

Do not forget to put on goggles or an obverse guard!

b) Plentifully moisten a mirror of the processed cylinder with oil, include a drill and start to make a nozzle back and forth motions in the cylinder. Speed of vertical moving хона should provide drawing on a surface of a mirror of the cylinder of a mesh pattern with a corner of crossing of the parties ячеи about 60 °. Do not feel sorry some oil and try not to remove from a surface of walls of the cylinder more material, than it is really necessary for achievement of demanded result.

Manufacturers of piston rings can make own demands to a corner of crossing of the parties ячеи a mesh pattern, - attentively familiarize with the instruction on remnabor packing.

c) Do not take хон from the cylinder to a full stop of a drill! Continue to make back and forth motions by a nozzle until it will not stop to rotate. After a stop of a drill compress grinding stones and take хон from the cylinder. When using the khan of type “bottle ершик” wait a full stop of a drill, then take a nozzle, continuing to rotate manually a cartridge in the normal direction.
d) Wipe rags a mirror of the cylinder and pass to a following honingovaniye.

4. On termination of processing, use a file for removal of facets from the upper edges of cylinders, - this processing is made with the purpose there were no difficulties with filling in cylinders of pistons with the rings put on them. Observe extreme care, - do not scratch a file a cylinder mirror.
5. In summary all block should be washed carefully out by warm solution of soap water.

It is possible to consider cylinders washed out when after carrying out on a mirror the white rags moistened with oil on it does not remain a gray raid. Do not forget to clean a cylindrical brush all oil openings and channels, then wash out the block a water stream under a pressure.

6. After washing carefully dry the block and oil the pierced surfaces for protection them from corrosion. Prior to the beginning of assembly of the engine wrap the block in a pure plastic bag.



1. First of all it is necessary to prepare a workplace, special attention having given to purity of surfaces and existence of sufficient free space. Take care of the place equipment under warehousing of components subject to installation. All established details also should be very carefully cleaned and dried up.
2. Fix the block of cylinders on the assembly block and once again carefully wash out it solution of soap water, special attention giving to pro-cleaning маслотоков and water galleries. Dry the block, whenever possible with application of the compressed air, then spray it anticorrosive solution of the WD-40® type. Wipe mirrors of cylinders pure неворсящейся rags.
3. Establish into place vyzhimny jams and caps of oil galleries.
4. Clean a cranked shaft not less carefully and start its installation on the engine (see below).

Engine assembly order


1. Before starting engine assembly, make sure available all necessary details, materials and tools to which number the following belongs:

a) Standard set of the metalwork tool;
b) A Dinamometrichesky natural a drive on 1/2-inch;
c) The tool for putting on of piston rings;
d) The tool for a staving of piston rings;
e) Short pieces of a fuel hose for putting on on hairpins of covers of shatunny bearings;
f) Measuring set of Plastigage;
g) Set щупов lezviyny type;
h) A file with small tooth;
i) Fresh impellent oil;
j) Assembly impellent, or molibdensoderzhashchy greasing;
k) Prokladochny hermetic;
l) Hermetic for fixing of carving connections.
2. With a view of economy of time and minimization of volume of arising problems make engine assembly in the following order:

Four-cylinder engines

a) Piston rings;
b) Cranked shaft and radical bearings;
c) Shatunno-porshnevye assemblies;
d) Back epiploon of a cranked shaft;
e) Balancing assembly of the engine;
f) A head of cylinders with pushers of valves;
g) Camshafts;
h) Balancing shaft with asterisks;
i) Gas-distributing chain;
j) Oil pump;
k) Maslozabornik with the mesh filter;
l) Case pallet;
m) Inlet pipeline and final collector;
n) Cover of a head of cylinders;
o) Flywheel / driving disk.

V6 engines

a) Piston rings;
b) Cranked shaft and radical bearings;
c) Shatunno-porshnevye assemblies;
d) A back epiploon of a cranked shaft with the holder;
e) Oil pump;
f) Case pallet;
g) Heads of cylinders;
h) Camshafts and pushers of valves;
i) A gas-distributing belt with cogwheels;
j) Covers of a drive of GRM;
k) Covers of heads of cylinders;
l) Inlet pipeline and final collectors;
m) Flywheel / driving disk.

Installation of piston rings


1. Before installation of new piston rings it is necessary to check gaps in their locks. It is meant that lateral gaps of landing of rings in flutes of pistons are already checked and correspond to the accepted norms (see above).
2. Spread out shatunno-piston assemblies with sets of rings on a working surface of a workbench. From this point each set of rings will be rigidly adhered" to the piston. Now it is possible to start measurement of gaps in locks of rings.

3. Fill top (No. 1) a kompressionny ring in the first cylinder of the engine and level it perpendicularly, having pushed down the piston bottom. The ring should appear around the bottom border of a working course of rings in the cylinder.

4. Define gap size in the ring lock with the help щупа the lezviyny Edge type (I) щупа should slip hardly in the lock. Compare result of measurement to requirements of Specifications. If the size of a gap leaves in this or that party out of limits of an admissible range before undertaking any actions on situation correction (see below), once again make sure that did not mix a ring.

5. If the gap is too small, it is possible to expand it with a way of boring by a file with small tooth (previously familiarize with instructions to a set, - not all rings are allowed to be processed a file) Clamp a rectangular file in a vice, then put on a ring the lock a file so that the end of the last appeared in a circle. Slowly pull a ring on itself, removing excess of metal from its end faces in the lock. Having reached till the file end, remove a ring, again check a gap, in case of need repeat procedure.

At all do not push a ring from itself on a file as thus edges of the lock will meet, and the risk of destruction of metal is great.

6. The excessive size of a gap is not a crime if does not exceed value of 0.51 mm. Once again make sure that the acquired sets of rings meet according to the characteristics to requirements of the engine of your car.
7. Repeat procedure for the remained rings (the second kompressionny and maslosjemny) the piston of the first cylinder, then for rings of all other pistons. Remember that now each set of rings "is unequivocally adhered" to the piston on which it should be established.
8. Having checked and having modified properly gaps in locks of rings, it is possible to start their putting on on the pistons.
9. The first on the piston the maslosjemny (bottom) ring puts on. Maslosjemnoye a ring consists of three separate sections. At first fill in the bottom flute of the piston a spring dilator. If the dilator is equipped with an antirotational uvula, track, that the last got to reciprocal drilling in a piston flute. Now establish in a flute the bottom working section of a ring. In order to avoid casual damage of working sections of a maslosjemny ring do not use for their installation any tool, - simply get in a flute under/over a dilator at first one end of section, densely press it a finger and, moving on ring perimeter, fill the rest. In the last turn the top working section of a ring is established.

10. Having planted in the bottom flute of the piston all three components of a maslosjemny ring, check freedom of rotation (sliding in a flute) the top and bottom working sections.
11. The second (bottom) kompressionny ring is established to the following. The ring should be established by marking up (to the piston bottom).

Strictly follow instructions of manufacturers of rings which are usually printed on set packing. Do not mix the second kompressionny ring with first (top) - they have various cross-section section.

12. Having used a special dilator and having tracked, that the ring was turned by marking up, plant it in an average flute on the piston. Try not to plant the ring lock more than it is really necessary for its free putting on on the piston.

13. Operating in a similar manner, establish the first (top) kompressionny ring (marking up). Try not to mix the top ring with the second.
14. Serially complete with rings all remained pistons.

Installation of a cranked shaft


1. Installation of a cranked shaft is the first step of procedure actually engine assemblies. It is meant that at this stage the block of the engine and actually a shaft already are properly cleaned, checked and subjected to necessary regenerative repair.
2. Overturn the engine upside down.
3. Give fixing bolts, remove covers radical bearings/assembly of covers. Spread out covers on a workbench as installation on the engine.
4. If yet did not do it, take from the beds in the block and covers old loose leaves of radical bearings. Wipe beds pure неворсящейся rags - they should be irreproachably pure.

Check of working gaps of radical bearings


Try not to touch surfaces of new loose leaves barehanded in order to avoid undesirable contact of bearings to traces of oil always present on fingers and chemically aggressive substances.

1. Wipe backs of new loose leaves of radical bearings and enclose the halves equipped with an oil flute in the beds in the block. The remained halves of loose leaves enclose in the corresponding covers of bearings. Track, that uvulas of loose leaves entered into reciprocal landing grooves in beds of the block and covers. Oil openings in the block also should appear correctly are combined with openings in loose leaves.

By no means make attempts to begin to knock the loose leaf resistant to installation in the bed a hammer. Grease with nothing bearings at this stage!

2. Wipe surfaces of bearings in the block and radical necks of a cranked shaft pure неворсящейся rags. Check passableness of oil openings of a shaft, in case of need clean them. Any containing in маслотоках extraneous particles, eventually, inevitably get to bearings.
3. Carefully wiped cranked shaft accurately lay in radical bearings of the block.
4. Before establishing a shaft finally, it is necessary to check sizes of working gaps in its radical bearings.

5. Cut the calibrated plastic wire from a measuring set of Plastigage pieces, in the length width of loose leaves are slightly shorter, and lay on one slice of a wire along each of radical necks of a shaft, parallel to their axis.

6. Wipe surfaces of loose leaves in covers and establish the last on the regular places. Try not to shift laid along shaft necks pieces of the calibrated wire. Slightly oil a carving of fixing bolts and screw them, having fixed covers.
7. In stages evenly tighten bolts of fastening of covers with demanded effort.

Do not allow a shaft provorachivaniye in the course of a fixture tightening!

8. Turn out bolts and carefully remove covers of radical bearings. Combine the removed covers as an arrangement them on the engine. Try not to damage the flattened-out calibrated wire and do not turn a shaft. If any of covers does not give in to removal, for release it is accurate обстучите its hammer with soft the brisk.

9. On the width of the flattened-out threads measured on a scale, put on packing of a set of Plastigage, define size of working gaps of bearings. Compare results of measurements to requirements of Specifications.

10. If the size of a gap leaves out of admissible limits, probably, loose leaves not that standard size were established. Before looking for new loose leaves, make sure that under enclosed at this stage dirt or oil did not get. If the calibrated wire is flattened out since one end more than from another, it testifies to existence of a konusnost of a neck.
11. Carefully remove the calibrated wire from necks, having scratched out all its traces any not too strong tool (for example, edge of an old credit card). As a last resort, it is possible to use own nail, - the main thing that on a surface of necks/loose leaves did not remain scratches and задиров.

Final installation of a cranked shaft


1. Carefully take a cranked shaft from the engine. Wipe surfaces of bearings in the block and evenly grease them with a thin layer of molibdensoderzhashchy or assembly impellent greasing. Do not forget to grease persistent washers also.

Try not to allow greasing hits on backs of loose leaves!

2. Make sure of absoluteness of purity of necks of a cranked shaft, then grease (the same greasing or pure impellent oil) surfaces of pins contacting to epiploons.
3. Establish a back epiploon of a shaft.
4. Wipe and grease surfaces of loose leaves in the block, then lay a shaft on the regular place. Establish a cover of the back bearing, then all other, except the persistent. Tighten fixture of covers with demanded effort.
5. Establish a cover of the persistent bearing screw bolts of its fastening and tighten them manually.
6. Shift a shaft forward, having pressed it to a persistent surface of the top loose leaf of the bearing. Holding a shaft motionlessly, wring out a cover of the persistent bearing back for the purpose of combination of persistent surfaces of both loose leaves.
7. Wringing out a shaft forward, tighten boats of fastening of a cover with demanded effort.
8. For measurement of size axial люфта a cranked shaft fix on the block a tsiferblatny measuring instrument, having pressed it a plunzher to a face surface of a forward pin of a shaft.
9. Carefully wring out a shaft back against the stop and, holding him in the wrung-out situation, null a measuring instrument.
10. Shift a shaft forward till the end of its course and consider instrument reading.
11. If the result of measurements falls outside the limits admissible value (see. Specifications), replace loose leaves of the persistent bearing and repeat check. In case of need give a shaft for check to a car-care center workshop.

Installation of shatunno-piston assemblies and check of size of working gaps in shatunny bearings of a cranked shaft



1. Before installation of shatunno-piston assemblies of a wall of cylinders should be carefully wiped, from their upper edges traces of step wear are completely removed and the facet is removed. It is meant that the cranked shaft is already established on the regular place in the block.
2. Uncover the bottom head of shatunny assembly of the first cylinder (make sure available the labels factory or put in the course of dismantle). Take from a head of a rod and its cover loose leaves of the old bearing and carefully wipe their beds pure неворсящейся rags.

Check of a working gap of the shatunny bearing


Try not to touch surfaces of new loose leaves barehanded in order to avoid undesirable contact of bearings to traces of oil always present on fingers and chemically aggressive substances.

1. Wipe a back of the new top loose leaf and put it to bed the bearing in a rod head. Track combination of oil openings and behind that the directing uvula of the loose leaf got to a reciprocal flute in a rod. At all застукивайте the loose leaf in a bed a hammer. Grease with nothing the bearing at this stage.

2. Wipe a back of the second loose leaf and lay it in a cover of the bottom head of a rod. Again track, that the uvula got to a reciprocal groove. Do not apply some any greasing - extremely important that interfaced surfaces of the bearing and a rod remained absolutely pure and dry.

3. Arrange piston rings locks as it is shown on an illustration.

3. Plant on bolts of fastening of a cover of the bearing pieces of a fuel hose.
4. Grease the piston and piston rings with pure impellent oil. Put on the piston a tool opravka for a staving of rings. Leave a skirt of the piston acting of a tool opravka approximately on 6 mm for free filling it in the cylinder. Rings should be pressed out aflush with a forming surface of the piston.
5. Turn a cranked shaft so that the neck of the first crank appeared in situation NMT. Grease with impellent oil a mirror of the first cylinder.
6. Having developed assembly by marking on the piston bottom forward on the engine, accurately fill a rod in the first cylinder of the block. Enter into the cylinder a piston skirt, having densely pressed to a block surface bottom edge of an opravka of the tool for a staving of rings.
7. To Obstuchita the upper edge of an opravka for a guarantee of density of its pressing to the block on all perimeter of bottom edge.

8. Accurately tapping on the bottom with the wooden handle of a hammer, enter fill the piston in the cylinder, at the same time directing the bottom head of a rod on a neck of the corresponding crank of a cranked shaft. Piston rings can unexpectedly jump out from under a tool opravka therefore constantly watch pressing density to its block. Act without hurrying up, at emergence of the slightest resistance immediately stop a piston zastukivaniye. Find out the reason of jamming and eliminate it.

At all do not undertake attempts to push the piston in the cylinder force, is can lead to its mechanical damage or destruction of piston rings!

9. After introduction of shatunno-piston assembly in the engine, before final installation of a cover of the bottom head of a rod, it is necessary to check a working gap of the shatunny bearing of a cranked shaft.

10. Cut off a piece of the calibrated plastic wire from a measuring set of Plastigage, in the length width of the loose leaf of the shatunny bearing are slightly shorter, and lay it along the first shatunny neck of a cranked shaft, parallel to an axis of the last.

11. Wipe a bearing surface in a cover of the bottom head of a rod and establish a cover on a rod. Track, that the label on a cover appeared is turned in the same party, as a label on a rod.
12. Slightly grease the bottom end faces of heads of fixing bolts with pure impellent oil, screw bolts and in three stages tighten them with demanded effort.

In order to avoid key jamming, use a thin-walled face head. At emergence of signs of jamming of a key between a nut and a rod, slightly raise a head and continue a tightening. Do not allow a provorachivaniye of a cranked shaft in the course of performance of all procedure.

13. Give fixture and carefully uncover a rod. Try not to damage the flattened-out piece of the calibrated wire.

14. On width of the flattened-out wire measured on a scale, printed on packing to Plastigage set, define size of a working gap in the bearing. Compare result of measurement to requirements of Specifications.

15. If the size of a gap falls outside the limits an admissible range before looking for loose leaves of other standard size, check, whether got under backs enclosed in a bed in a rod and a cover of loose leaves dirt/oil. Once again measure diameter of a neck of a shaft. Rasplyushchivaniye of a wire since one end more than from another speaks about existence of a konusnost of a neck.
Final installation of shatunno-piston assembly
16. Carefully scratch out a nail or edge of an old credit card all traces of the calibrated wire from a neck and/or bearing surface.
17. Make sure of absoluteness of purity of both bearing surfaces, then evenly grease them with a thin layer of molibdensoderzhashchy or assembly impellent greasing. For ensuring access to a surface of the top loose leaf it is necessary to push a little the piston in the cylinder, - do not forget to put on bolts of a cover of a rod protective hoses in order to avoid damage of a surface of a neck of a shaft. Try not to allow vyskakivaniye from the cylinder of piston rings.
18. Return a rod into place, having carefully put on it the bottom head a neck of the crank, remove from bolts protective hoses, establish a cover, and in three stages tighten fixing nuts with demanded effort.

Track correctness of combination of labels on a cover of a rod and its bottom head.

19. Repeat all procedure for the remained shatunno-piston assemblies.
20. Do not lose sight of the following important points:

a) Watch that on backs of loose leaves and their bed in rods and covers dirt did not get;
b) Watch, that each assembly was established in the cylinder (even in case of installation of new components as gaps of piston rings were adjusted to concrete cylinders);
c) Pistons should settle down marking on the bottom forward on the engine (towards GRM drive);
d) Do not forget to grease before installation of assemblies by impellent oil of a mirror of cylinders;
e) Do not forget to grease before final installation of covers bearings (after check of working gaps in the last).
21. Having finished installation of shatunno-piston assemblies, check freedom of rotation of a cranked shaft, having turned it several times manually.
22. In summary it is necessary to check once again axial люфт a cranked shaft (see above).
23. Compare results of measurement axial люфта to requirements of Specifications. If люфт was in norm before dismantling of the engine and the old shatunno-piston assemblies are used, no surprises should be. In case of a size exit люфта out of admissible limits after replacement of rods, the last are necessary for removing from the engine and to give to a car-care center workshop for the corresponding machining.