Mitsubishi Galant + Identification numbers of the car + Governing bodies + Settings and routine maintenance + Engine + cooling and heating Systems + Power supply system and release + engine Electric equipment + Control systems of the engine - Manual transmission - 5-step manual box of gear shifting (RKPP) General information Adjustment of a drive of gear shifting Removal and installation of the sensor switch of fires of a backing Removal and transmission installation Major maintenance of RKPP + Automatic transmissions (AT) + Transfer case + Coupling and transmission line + Brake system + Suspension bracket and steering + Body + Onboard electric equipment
Removal and transmission installation
If there is a need for a car otkatyvaniye at the removed power shafts, in order to avoid damage of bearings it is necessary to insert external CV JOINTS into naves of wheels! |
Mirage models
1. Remove the battery and its adjusting pallet (see. Heads of Control both routine maintenance and engine Electric equipment). 2. Remove assembly of an air purifier and vacuum hoses (see. Heads Engine and Power supply systems and release). 3. Previously having marked, disconnect cables of a drive of gear shifting. 4. On models of 1.6 l remove a tension bar. 5. Disconnect electroconducting from the sensor switch of fires of a backing and a starter. Remove starterny assembly (see. Head engine Electric equipment). 6. To Poddomkratta the car also establish it on props. 7. Remove forward wheels and loker of protection of their arches. 8. Remove protection of a case and the bottom mudguard. 9. Prepare suitable container and merge from RKPP case transmission oil. 10. Prop up the engine a jack and remove a cross-section beam. 11. Turn out the top fixing bolt and remove an arm of a support of a transmission. 12. Disconnect a bar of the stabilizer of cross-section stability, tips of steering drafts and the bottom spherical support. 13. Remove the executive cylinder of coupling and a basic arm of the line of a hydraulic path of a drive of coupling, - do not disunite the line of a hydraulic path, take the cylinder aside and tie up it a wire. 14. At the corresponding complete set of the car remove a cable of a drive of coupling. 15. Having hooked mount, liberate power shafts from a transmission case (try not to damage an epiploon), - do not pull for a shaft in order to avoid damage of the internal hinge.
Need for liberation of the external ends of power shafts from stupichny assemblies is absent, - they can be removed assembled with rotary fists. Alternatively shaft can be tied up by a wire to suspension bracket elements. |
16. Remove the bottom cover of a dome of transmission. 17. Turn out fixing bolts, disconnect a transmission from the engine and take it from under the car. |
The final tightening of fixture of elements of a suspension bracket should be made after car lowering on the earth! |
The lock rings established on internal pins of power shafts at assembly are subject to replacement without fail. |
1. Get a transmission on the regular place, press it to the engine and screw fixing bolts. Tighten fixture with demanded effort (31 ÷ 40 H • м: for models for 1992 вып. and 48 H • м: for models since 1993 вып.). 2. Establish a cover of a dome of transmission. 3. Fill in transmission power shafts, - try not to damage sealing sponges of epiploons. 4. Establish the executive cylinder of coupling. 5. Connect spherical hinges, tips of steering drafts and a bar of the stabilizer of cross-section stability. 6. Establish an arm of the top support and screw a fixing bolt. 7. Establish a cross-section beam. 8. Establish protection of a case. 9. Screw the top bolts of fastening of transmission to the engine and tighten them with demanded effort (43 ÷ 55 H • м: for models for 1992 вып. and 48 H • м: for models since 1993 вып.). 10. Establish into place a starter (see. Head engine Electric equipment). 11. Connect electroconducting to a speedometer and the sensor switch of fires of a backing. 12. Connect and adjust cables of a drive of gear shifting (see. Section Adjustment of a drive of gear shifting). 13. Establish assembly of an air purifier and restore initial connection of vacuum hoses (see. Heads Engine and Power supply systems and release). 14. Lokera of protection of arches and forward wheels. 15. Level the car of rather horizontal plane and fill in in a transmission transmission oil of the GL-4 type (see. Head of Control and routine maintenance). 16. Connect a negative wire to the battery. 17. Check serviceability of functioning of coupling and unambiguity of operation of fires of a backing. |
The Galant models for 1993 вып.
1. Remove the battery and sleeves of air lines. 2. On the models equipped with Active-ECS system, disconnect electroconducting from the compressor. 3. Remove the actuation mechanism of a control system in the speed and an arm located on a mudguard of the right wing in an impellent compartment of the car. 4. Merge transmission oil from cases of RKPP and a transfer case. 5. Turn out a fixing bolt and disconnect from a transmission a cable of a drive of a speedometer. 6. Take fixing шплинт and disconnect tips of cables of a choice and gear shifting from RKPP assembly. 7. Release fixture, remove the executive cylinder of coupling, without disconnecting hydraulic hoses shift assembly aside and fix it a wire. 8. Disconnect electroconducting from the sensor switch of stoplights. Shift wires aside. 9. Disconnect electroconducting from a starter. Give fixture and shift a starter aside. 10. Remove an arm of a support of a suspension bracket of transmission. 11. Turn out the top bolts of fastening of a transmission. 12. To Poddomkratta the car also establish it on props. 13. Remove protection of a case and forward wheels. 14. Take шплинты and disconnect steering drafts from rotary fists. 15. Give самоконтрящиеся nuts of power shafts. 16. Liberate spherical support of the bottom levers of a suspension bracket from assemblies of rotary fists. 17. Liberate power shafts from a transmission case. 18. On all-wheel drive (AWD) models disconnect a reception pipe of system of production of the fulfilled gases from a final collector, then give fixing bolts and remove a transfer case, having shifted it to the left and having lowered down a forward part. Trying not to damage an epiploon, remove a transfer case from the back driveshaft which end at once tie up to the car bottom. To Zakuporta of an opening in a case of a transfer case in order to avoid dirt hit in assembly. 19. Uncover a transmission dome. 20. On the AWD models remove a cross-section beam and a triangular knitsa. 21. Turn out the bottom coupling bolt, - on front-wheel (FWD) models it is directly over an opening under installation of a power shaft, on the AWD models - over an opening of connection of a transfer case. 22. Hang out the engine from above on the winch, prop up a transmission a telezhechny jack and give the remained bottom fixing bolts. 23. On models with a turbo-supercharging try not to damage in the course of dismantle of a transmission the bottom radiatorny hose. Shift RKPP assembly to the right, carefully lower down and take from under the car. |
1. Get transmission assembly on the regular place, screw fixing bolts and tighten from with effort of 48 H • m. Screw the bottom coupling bolt and tighten it with demanded effort (30 ÷ 34 H • м). 2. Establish protection of the pallet, a cross-section beam and a triangular knitsa. 3. On the AWD models establish a transfer case and connect a reception pipe of system of production of the fulfilled gases to a final collector. 4. Establish power shafts, - do not forget to replace lock rings on pins and try to hold assemblies of internal hinges perpendicular to a surface of a case of RKPP. Be careful, - do not damage sealing sponges of epiploons shlitsa of shaft. 5. Fix in rotary fists spherical support and tips of steering drafts. 6. Establish an arm of a support of a suspension bracket of RKPP. 7. Establish forward wheels, lower the car on the earth and tighten stupichny nuts of fastening of power shafts with demanded effort (200 ÷ 260 H • м). 8. Establish starter assembly. 9. Connect electroconducting to a starter and the sensor switch of fires of a backing. 10. Establish the executive cylinder of coupling. 11. Connect choice and gear shifting cables and fix their tips new шплинтами. 12. Establish sleeves of air lines. 13. Establish the actuation mechanism темпостата with a basic arm. 14. Establish the battery. 15. On the models equipped with Active-ECS system connect the air compressor. 16. Make sure of horizontal position of position of the car and fill in gipoidny transmission oil of the GL-4 type RKPP case. On the AWD models fill in oil in a transfer case. 17. Check serviceability of functioning of RKPP and a transfer case. Estimate adequacy of operation of fires of a backing. |
The Galant models since 1994 вып.
1. Disconnect a negative wire from the battery, - works start not less than 90 seconds later after battery shutdown.
If the stereosystem established on the car is equipped with a security code before disconnecting the battery make sure that have the correct combination for audiosystem input in action! |
2. Remove assembly of an air purifier and a sleeve of air lines. 3. Prepare suitable drain capacity and lower in it oil from a transmission case. 4. Take шплинты and disconnect from RKPP assembly choice and gear shifting cables. 5. On the models equipped with Active-ECS system, disconnect electroconducting from the air compressor. 6. Disconnect electroconducting from the sensor switch of stoplights. Shift wires aside. 7. Disconnect from a transmission speedometer electroconducting. 8. With the help the adaptation of the MZ203827 type hang out assembly of the power unit. 9. Remove a basic arm of a back jet emphasis of the engine. 10. Remove an arm of a support of a suspension bracket of RKPP. 11. Turn out the top bolts of fastening of a transmission. 12. To Poddomkratta the car also establish it on props. 13. Remove forward wheels. 14. Remove the right section of protection of a case. 15. Take шплинт and disconnect steering draft from assembly of a rotary fist. 16. Disconnect from a dempferny fork a rack of the stabilizer of cross-section stability. 17. Disconnect a dempferny fork from the bottom cross-section lever of a suspension bracket. 18. Disconnect from a rotary fist the bottom cross-section lever, szhimny the lever and the bottom spherical support. 19. Liberate from a transmission case power shafts and tie up them a wire to the car bottom. 20. Remove the executive cylinder of coupling and, without disconnecting hydraulic lines, fix assembly aside. 21. Uncover a transmission dome. 22. Turn out a through bolt of a forward jet emphasis of a suspension bracket of the power unit. 23. Remove a cross-section beam and the right triangular rack. 24. Prop up RKPP assembly by a telezhechny jack and turn out the bottom coupling bolt.
The coupling bolt is rolled from the engine in transmission and is located directly over an opening under installation of a power shaft. |
25. Shift a transmission back, lower and carefully take from under the car. |
1. Get a transmission on the regular place. Screw fixing bolts and tighten them with demanded effort (48 H • м). Screw the bottom coupling bolt and tighten it with effort of 30 ÷ 34 H • m. 2. Establish a cover on a dome of transmission and tighten bolts of its fastening with effort of 9 H • m. 3. Establish a cross-section beam. Screw fixing bolts and tighten them with demanded effort (88 H • м: lobbies and 73 H • м: back). 4. Screw and tighten by hand a through bolt of a forward jet emphasis of a suspension bracket of the power unit. A final tightening of a bolt with demanded effort (57 H • м) are made after the weight of the engine will be completely transferred on support. 5. Establish an arm of a triangular rack. Screw fixing bolts and tighten them with demanded effort (88 H • м). 6. Establish the executive cylinder of coupling. 7. Establish power shafts, - do not forget to replace lock rings on pins and try to hold assemblies of internal hinges perpendicular to a surface of a case of RKPP. Be careful, - do not damage sealing sponges of epiploons shlitsa of shaft. 8. Fix in assembly of a rotary fist a tip of steering draft and spherical support. Tighten самоконтрящиеся nuts of spherical support with effort of 65 H • m, and a nut of the hinge of steering draft - with effort of 28 H • m. Establish new шплинт. 9. Connect a dempferny fork to the bottom lever of a suspension bracket. Screw a through bolt and tighten it with demanded effort (88 H • м). 10. Connect to a fork a rack of the stabilizer of cross-section stability. Screw самоконтрящуюся a nut and tighten it with effort of 39 H • m. 11. Establish protection of a case. 12. Establish wheels and lower the car on the earth. 13. Establish on transmission an arm of a support of a suspension bracket of the power unit and tighten nuts of its fastening with demanded effort (43 H • м). 14. Establish a basic arm of a back jet emphasis of a suspension bracket of the power unit. 15. Lower the engine and tighten a through bolt of fastening of a transmission to it with effort of 69 H • m, a trace finally tighten a through bolt of a forward jet emphasis. 16. Screw and tighten with demanded effort (48 H • м) the top bolts of fastening of a transmission. 17. Establish a starter and connect to it electroconducting. 18. Connect electroconducting to the sensor switch of fires of a backing. 19. Connect to transmission choice and gear shifting cables, fix tips of cables new шплинтами. 20. Establish assembly of an air purifier and air sleeves. 21. Connect a negative wire to the battery. 22. Make sure of horizontal position of position of the car and fill in gipoidny transmission oil of the GL-4 type RKPP case. 23. Check serviceability of functioning of RKPP. Estimate adequacy of operation of fires of a backing. |