Mitsubishi Galant

1990 — 2001 of release

Repair and car operation

Mitsubishi Galant
+ Identification numbers of the car
+ Governing bodies
+ Settings and routine maintenance
+ Engine
+ cooling and heating Systems
+ Power supply system and release
+ engine Electric equipment
+ Control systems of the engine
+ Manual transmission
+ Coupling and transmission line
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment

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Identification numbers of the car

Process of continuous improvement of let-out production is a distinctive feature of any line production. Thus, except for cases of large constructive changes of models descending from the conveyor, results of process of updating in the operation manual on the car are not shined. However the manufacturer makes out number lists of let-out spare parts in view of what special value upon purchase of the last is gained by information coded in identification numbers of the car. Doing the order for a demanded spare detail, try to provide to the seller fuller information on the car. Surely report the model name, year of release, and also number of a body and the power unit.

Identification numbers of the car

17-item identification number of the car (VIN) is beaten out on beaten out on a metal plate (nameplate), fixed on the dashboard under a windscreen from the driver's party of the car. In VIN such data, as country and manufacturer codes, type of a vehicle, the engine and body characteristic, and also some specific parameters of the car are ciphered.

One more information nameplate riveted to a back partition in an impellent compartment. On шильду besides VIN codes of types of the engine and transmission, and also a color code of a body paint and varnish covering are put. It should be noted that information containing in placed on nameplate identification number of the engine differs is supplemented with value of the letter taking the 8th position as a part of VIN. So with nameplate it is possible to determine by a 4-item code 4G63 that the car is equipped with the SOHC/DOHC engine in volume of 2.0 l, however information on a unit complete set turbo-supercharging system here is absent, whereas presence on the 8th position in the VIN code of a letter of U unequivocally indicates existence of the device of a turbo-supercharging.

The code presented separately such as the engine can accept the following values:

4G15 - the SOHC engine in volume of 1.5 l
4G61 - the DOHC engine in volume of 1.6 l
4G93 - the SOHC engine in volume of 1.8 l
4G63 - the SOHC or DOHC engine in volume of 2.0 l
4G64 - the SOHC or DOHC engine in volume of 2.4 l
6G72 - the SOHC or DOHC engine in volume of 3.0 l
6G74 - the DOHC engine in volume of 3.5 l

Besides the listed two information plates the third is provided still, being a certified label and fixed on a face surface of a rack of the left forward door of the car. The structure of codes of a certified label includes information on a vehicle date of issue (year of release can be determined by a letter taking the 10th position as a part of VIN), and also VIN and data on a maximum permissible load on forward and back axes of the car (GRVW).

VIN also is brought in PTS and the registration certificate of a vehicle. In number information on date and car place of production, year of release of model and body type is ciphered.

Identification number of the engine

4-item identification number of the engine is beaten out on the forward party of the unit, in the top corner of the block of cylinders and corresponds put on information nameplate to a code such as the engine (see above). Nearby serial number of the unit is beaten out.

As it was already mentioned above, additional information on characteristics of the engine can be received by a way of determination of value taking 8th position as a part of letter VIN.

Identification number of transmission

The code such as transmission is beaten out on fixed on a back partition of an impellent compartment information nameplate (see above). Identification number of transmission is engraved on the inflow formed in the top part of a forward wall of a case of a transmission.

Identification number of the leading bridge (only Galant AWD models)

The code of the bridge is engraved on the inflow formed on a case of differential.

Identification number of a transfer case (only Galant AWD models)

The separate code is not appropriated to a transfer case. On all-wheel drive models (AWD) number of a transfer case is located on a transmission case.

Information label of systems of decrease in toxicity (VECI)

The label of VECI contains information on an arrangement of components of systems of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases, spetsifikatsionny parameters on control of separate knots and is used together with Schelde on which the scheme of laying of vacuum hoses is put. Labels usually fasten from a reverse side of a cowl. In case of loss of information or its divergence with equipment actually established on the car the new label always can be ordered in service center of the manufacturing company of the car.

MFI = System of the distributed (multiitem) injection
SOHC = the Engine with one camshaft located from above
DOHC = the Engine with two camshafts located from above
* the Code an engine/letter taking the 8th position as a part of VIN
** A letter taking the 10th position as a part of VIN

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